Trying on various kimono
Lots of photos today! I had enough time last night and this morning to try on the woven kimono I received in the mail yesterday, as well as another go at my hikifurisode, this time with the obi I bought especially for it.
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The omeshi tatewaku kimono worn with my chuya obi, then with the bordeaux michiyuki. I simply love this michiyuki, and it goes quite well with the tatewaku kimono! However, I’d never worn my chuya obi before, and the results are rather mediocre. It’s very supple; hard to make a crisp fold. On the plus side, the collar lines look nice, and my obiage knot has vastly improved.
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My hikifurisode! It’s so pretty *happy sigh*. But oh, is it hard to put on a hikifurisode alone! It’s so heavy that everything moves – it felt pointless to have gone to so much effort to get it to look right, then having the collar inch up and everything get all wrinkly while tying the obi. Anyway: the obi looks lovely with it, which makes me very happy. I’d been looking for just the right fukuro obi ever since I bought the hikifurisode, and finally found The One a month ago. I’ve been itching to try it! I chose a darari musubi, without turning over the obi in front. It ended up looking like a failed bunko musubi, as you can see from the back photo. Most embarrassing. The “wings” on either side should go up and over the “knot” in the center and cover one another at an angle. It was impossible to get right by myself, though – next time I’ll just try a plain bunko musubi.
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My fuji-patterned hitoe, worn with just a datejime. As this was the last kimono I tried on, I didn’t bother putting on an obi. The front and back are wrinkle-free: yatta!