Bright Pastel Hikifurisode

The story behind this hikifurisode: I originally found it listed on ebay by my favorite sellers in June 2002. I was immediately charmed, and thought of how gorgeous it would be worn by a bride. Unfortunately, the bidding was already up to a price that I couldn't afford - at the time it was summer, and being a freelancer, work was slow. I contented myself by saving the breathtaking photos to my hard drive, to look at from time to time just to be reminded of its beauty.
Having looked at furisode, kakeshita and uchikake on the web every day for nearly two years, I had rarely seen anything like it. Kimono that I considered to be just as beautiful were uncommon and sold for prohibitive prices. This particular hikifurisode was unique in that it had a sticked pattern (the three-dimensional metallic parts of the design) done by a highly-respected artisan. I continued to scour used kimono shops and ebay sellers, looking for a furisode or kakeshita that both appealed to me and fell within my budget, always keeping this one in the back of my mind.
In November 2002, I decided on my red and black furisode with plum blossoms and butterflies. It took my breath away nearly as much as this hikifurisode had. Three or four sticked design uchikake and wedding furisode came and went on ebay, each reminding me of this flowing pastel dream. In the mean time, I learned more about kimono through several books and the internet, trying to better appreciate such things as the yuzen stencil dyeing and painting processes, shibori, different weaves, and embroidery - my kimono addiction went up a notch, something I had previously thought impossible. I kept things in check by asking myself for each kimono I wanted: "When would I wear it? Honestly?" It also helped that I'm quite tall, which makes finding kimono in my size difficult.
One February day in 2003, the incredible happened. While browsing furisode on ebay, I saw one that bore a striking resemblance to the hikifurisode I'd seen nearly a year before. My jaw nearly hit the floor when I took a closer look. It was the same wedding furisode! And thanks to not spending my money previously, I had enough to afford it! After a last-minute bidding battle worthy of... well, ebay, my high bid prevailed and this lovely work of art became my own.