Peony Tsumugi

Purple, pink and blue peonies woven on a yellow and white ground. This kimono has slightly longer sleeves than usual.

View of the bottom with the solid red silk hakkake (lower lining) folded over.

Closer view of the weave, with more detail visible. Peonies are the emblem of high spring and also symbolize femininity.

Closeups of the weave: the photo was taken on the side, so the weft threads (white) are vertical and the warp threads (dyed before weaving) horizontal. I don't know what type of tsumugi this is - it's difficult to tell from available resources. Although these photos don't show any nubs typical of tsumugi, there are some visible elsewhere on the kimono.
For more information on tsumugi, visit these sites:
Dyeing and Weaving Techniques - "Encyclopedia" by region
Traditional Crafts of Japan: Weaving